'Jubilee Digests' Launch
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Date the event has passed:
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Date the event has passed:
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Census data for Cumberland Ward (1801-2001) is now available on the Resources section of the website.
A separate sheet containing census data for Carlisle City will be added soon.
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A new set of guidelines are now available for those working on parish/township articles. Briefing Note 4 provides a checklist of sources for anyone working on the religious history of a parish or township. These guidelines can be found on the 'Resources' page.
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Dr Angus Winchester has completed a revised draft of a VCH article on Mosser.
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The Census data for Eskdale Ward (1801 to 2001) is now available on the "Resources" section of the website.
A pdf. version of the data set is available to members of the public, but there is also a version in Excel on the members' only pages.
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Date the event has passed:
Around forty CCHT members took part in a special evening visit to Lowther Castle, involving a tour of the castle ruins, stables and gardens -
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Census data for Allerdale Below and West wards are now available on the members-only part of the website. These documents can be found under 'Work in Progress'. Other wards will be made available as soon as data collection has been completed.
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Volunteers attended a meeting at Penrith on Monday 8th August. The meeting included a demonstration of the new CCHT website and a discussion of the ways volunteers can contribute to the project.