Census for Cumberland Ward
Date the event has passed:
Census data for Cumberland Ward (1801-2001) is now available on the Resources section of the website.
A separate sheet containing census data for Carlisle City will be added soon.
Date the event has passed:
Census data for Cumberland Ward (1801-2001) is now available on the Resources section of the website.
A separate sheet containing census data for Carlisle City will be added soon.
Date the event has passed:
Last minute touches are being applied to the new website, at Hydrant's offices in Carlisle
Date the event has passed:
Date the event has passed: 22/01/2016
To celebrate its 150th anniversary in 2016, the Cumberland and Westmorland Antiquarian and Archaeological Society (CWAAS) have organised a series of special events, including lectures, museum exhibitions, and expeditions within Cumbria.