
Township in Brigham parish, Allerdale above Derwent ward, Cumberland. Absorbed into Blindbothel CP 1934.
1,490 acres [603 ha], including 464 acres [188 ha] of common fell, enclosed 1867.
declining from 101 in 1801 to 56 in 1931 (last census year for which separate figure available).
granted to Adam de Mosser c.1203; manor had passed to Salkeld family by 1418. Tenants enfranchised by Thomas Salkeld of Corby, 1623.
predominantly agricultural. Small-scale lead mining, late 18th/early 19th century. Tile-making at Aikbank, recorded 1840; had ceased by 1867. Handloom weaving early 19th century; fish smoking late 20th.
Places of worship:
chapel of ease, recorded 1546, originated as pre-Reformation chantry. Fell into decay in 17th century; rebuilt 1773 (and dedicated to St Philip); replaced by new church at Eaglesfield (q.v.) 1891 but continued in occasional use (dedication changed to St Michael by 1938).
Schools and other institutions:
chool taught in chapel 1653. Small school in township recorded 1818.