Gamblesby article now online
Date the event has passed:
The VCH draft township article for Gamblesby has just been completed. You can view a copy here.
Date the event has passed:
The VCH draft township article for Gamblesby has just been completed. You can view a copy here.
Date the event has passed:
CCHT held its third Annual General Meeting on Saturday 16th March at the Rheged Centre, Penrith.
Date the event has passed:
The Cumbria Vernacular Buildings Group has planned a day school for 15th June 2013.
Date the event has passed:
Many congratulations to K. Cook who submitted the winning entry for the Christmas Quiz. The prize is a copy of the commemorative publication, The Victoria History of the Counties of England: A Diamond Jubilee Celebration, 1899-2012.
The answers were: