Early History Background Kings Meaburn

Kings Meaburn was forfeited to the Crown by Sir Hugh de Morville for his role in Thomas à Becket’s murder in 1170
The ancient manor of Meaburn was in possession of the Morville family during the 12th century. One moiety was inherited by Sir Hugh de Morville, and his sister Maud de Vieuxpont was granted the other portion now known as Maulds Meaburn.
On 29 December 1170, Sir Hugh de Morville collaborated with Reginald Fitzurse, William de Tracy and Richard le Breton in the assassination of Thomas à Becket in Canterbury Cathedral. Although they believed they were fulfilling the wishes of King Henry II, in 1174 Sir Hugh was punished by forfeiture of his Lordship of Westmorland. He lost his moiety of Meaburn which thereafter became known as Kings Meaburn.
Posted by James Underwood
Image from British Library Yates Thomson 13 fol 85v St Thomas Becket