Sockbridge and Tirril

Township in Barton parish, West ward, Westmorland, including village of Tirril.
1,159 acres [469 ha], including several small detached portions and one large one at High Winder (51 acres [21 ha]) but excluding intermixed detached portions of High Barton township. Sockbridge CP contained 1,195 acres [484 ha] after absorption of detached portions into respective CPs. Until 1934 Barton Fell (1,718 acres [695 ha]) was common to townships of Sockbridge, High Barton and Low Winder. Common land at Sockbridge and Yanwath & Eamont Bridge (228 acres [92 ha]) enclosed 1818.
in range 200-250 across 19th and first half of 20th century (peak of 263 in 1831 attributed partly to establishment of school); dropped to 196 in 1961, then rose again to stand at 397 in 2001.
manor of Sockbridge held by Lancaster family from 13th century, until passing to Lowther family by marriage of Frances, daughter of Christopher Lancaster, to Sir Christopher Lowther 1638; descended in Lowther family thereafter.
farming; limestone quarrying and lime-burning; chair-making in earlier 19th century; brewing from mid-19th century: brewery at Tirril closed 1899 when taken over by Penrith brewery.
Places of worship:
Quaker meeting house at Tirril built 1731 (porch dated 1733); rebuilt 1801; closed 1862. Used as village reading room from 1902; sold 1932 and converted to dwelling. Wesleyan Methodist chapel built 1879; closed by 1980; converted to dwelling.
Schools and other institutions:
‘mathematical academy’ established in Tirril by John Slee (d. 1828) and continued by his son Thomas (d. 1849); gained renown as boarding establishment, attended by ‘university gentlemen’. Public elementary school built 1854 in corner of township close to Yanwath; became Sockbridge & Tirril Yanwath Council School; now Yanwath Primary School. Reading room and library at Tirril built 1914; now village hall.