Scaleby (East & West)

Ancient parish in Eskdale ward, Cumberland, comprising townships of West Scaleby and East Scaleby.
3,647 acres [1,476 ha], divided between townships thus: West Scaleby: 1,965 acres [795 ha]; East Scaleby: 1,683 acres [681 ha]. Common land at Scaleby Common Wood meadow (62 acres [25 ha]) enclosed 1843, and 200 acres [81 ha] of peat bog on Scaleby Moss enclosed 1853.
estimated at 340 in 1688. Rising from 486 in 1801 to peak of 618 in 1821; gradual decline thereafter to 374 in 1901, falling to low of 275 in 1991; stood at 349 in 2001.
manor of Scaleby granted to Richard de Tilliol (‘Richard the rider’) early 12th century and descended in Tilliol family until 15th century, passing by marriage to Musgrave family. Sir Edward Musgrave restored and extended Scaleby Castle 1597-1606. Sold in 1650s to Richard Gilpin, Puritan minister of Greystoke, whose grandson mortgaged it to Edward Stephenson, who foreclosed 1741; descended through Stephenson (from 1834 Standish) family until sold 1946.
predominantly agricultural; much meadow land: noted for horse-breeding in later 17th century. Commercial peat digging on Scaleby Moss by mid-19th century; tile-making in 19th century.
Places of worship:
medieval parish church of All Saints; restored 1828 and 1861-2. Wesleyan Methodist chapel at Scaleby Hill opened 1828; closed; now private house.
Schools and other institutions:
school endowed 1773; rebuilt as National school adjoining church 1850s; closed 1933 and became parish hall. Reading room and public hall built 1895, containing library (established 1898); now village hall.