Blindcrake, Isel & Redmain

Township in Isel parish, Allerdale below Derwent ward, Cumberland. Absorbed Isel Old Park and Sunderland CPs and renamed Blindcrake CP 1934, thus uniting whole of ancient parish of Isel into one civil administrative unit.
4,251 acres [1,720 ha]. Commons in Isel parish, at Moota, Sunderland Common and in Isel Old Park, totalling 1,600 acres [647 ha], enclosed 1813. Land at Highmoors had been enclosed 1724 and 200 acres [81 ha] of Moota Common said 1688 to have been ‘lately enclosed’.
rising from 188 in 1801 to 370 in 1851, then falling back to 233 in 1931 (last census year before boundary change).
Redmain was granted to Gisburn priory (Yorks.), passing after Dissolution to Curwens of Camerton from whom it was sold to Sir Wilfrid Lawson. Rest of ancient parish formed manor of Isel, which had been inherited by William de Multon by 1311. It passed by his daughter to Leigh family, who were responsible for building work at Isel Hall, through whom it passed to Thomas Leigh (d. 1573), whose wife Maud (née Redman) conveyed it by marriage to her third husband, Sir Wilfrid Lawson (d. 1632). The manor descended through Lawson family until 20th century.
farming; limestone quarrying and lime-burning. Moota Quarry continues in operation.
Places of worship:
parish church lay in Isel Old Park township (q.v.). Minor name ‘Chapel Guards’ at Redmain may record early religious site there. Primitive Methodist chapel in Blindcrake, converted from dwelling house 1894; closed and converted back to dwelling. Reading room used for Anglican services.
Schools and other institutions:
endowed school between Isel Hall and Blindcrake, recorded 1814; rebuilt as National school 1836; closed (converted to dwelling). Lending library established c.1840. Blindcrake Mission and Reading Room created 1877 from two cottages; now village hall.