Birker and Austhwaite

Township in Millom parish, in Allerdale above Derwent ward, Cumberland. CP abolished 1934, when combined with most of Eskdale & Wasdale CP to create Eskdale CP.
8,213 acres [3,324 ha], including c.7,000 acres [c.2,830 ha] of unenclosed common fell land.
comparatively stable at around 100 inhabitants for most of 19th century (peak: 118 in 1851); declined steadily during early 20th century to stand at 52 in 1931 (last census year for which separate figure available).
Austhwaite (western part of township) granted before 1215 by lord of Millom to Benedict son of Ketel, whose descendants took surname de Austhwaite. It passed by marriage to Stanley family 1354, in whose hands it remained until bought by Lord Muncaster 1888. Pasture of Brotherilkeld (eastern section of township) granted to Furness Abbey 1242.
hill farming; some copper mining; iron mining at Low Birker in later 19th century.
Places of worship:
none (served by parochial chapel of Eskdale).
Schools and other institutions: