
Ancient parish in Allerdale below Derwent ward, Cumberland.
1,692 acres [685 ha]. Allhallows Common enclosed under Aspatria and Brayton enclosure award 1825.
173 in 1801 rising slowly to 222 in 1871; then substantial increase to 968 in 1911 as result of coal mining and creation of Fletchertown colliery village. Had fallen to around 500 in late 20th century.
Upmanby descended with Blennerhassett (q.v.). Manor of Whitehall came into hands of Lancelot Salkeld (d. 1610) and remained with his descendants until passing via marriage of Henry Salkeld (d. 1749) and Margaret Charlton of Hesleyside (Northumb.) to her nephew William Charlton. By 1861 manor house at Whitehall was in hands of George Moore. Harby Brow was another small estate, held by Highmore family by 15th century. Part was sold in 1595 by Francis Highmore; later owners included Blencow and Steel families; subsequently passed to Charltons, owners of manor of Whitehall.
farming; coal mining by 1860s. Priestcroft colliery closed 1863 but was succeeded by Allhallows Colliery, sunk 1874 by I. and W. Fletcher, whose name was perpetuated in colliery village of Fletchertown; initially struggled to make a profit; finally closed 1928.
Places of worship:
medieval parish church of All Saints, recorded from 12th century but described 1425 as a ‘chapel’. Replaced by new church of All Hallows at Fletchertown 1898. Wesleyan chapel at Fletchertown built 1894; closed, then re-opened 1949; converted to dwelling 2010.
Schools and other institutions:
school recorded 1818 but had closed by c.1830; parish school built by subscription 1855; closed 1984. George Moore Memorial Hall erected 1879 as memorial to the merchant and philanthropist, containing ‘reading and recreation rooms, library and a room for religious purposes’. Former school building converted to community centre 1993.