OS 6" Maps of Cumbria
The National Museum of Scotland has made available online zoomable colour images of the Ordnance Survey's six-inch to the mile (1:10,560) mapping of England and Wales. This is the most detailed OS topographic mapping covering all of England and Wales from the 1840s to the 1950s. It was revised for the whole country twice between 1842-1893 and between 1891-1914, and then updated regularly for urban or rapidly changing areas from 1914 to the 1940s.
The easiest way of finding sheets is through a clickable graphic index using their 'Find by Place' viewer:
This allows searching through a gazetteer of placenames, street names, postcodes and Grid References, as well as by zooming in on an area of interest with smaller-scale locational mapping as a backdrop.
The sheets are also available via county lists:
For further information, please see: http://maps.nls.uk/os/6inch-england-and-wales/info1.html